Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 3 (or 2.1): Post 30th Bday Running!

Weekly WrapUp:

Time: 2:49:18
22.51 miles

Week 2.1 of the BostonM Training, after a BIG birthday week (turned the BIG 3-0 this past Sunday, 11/14) it was time to get back on track. So Monday was a medium distance slow run and then progression from there.


Time: 40:23
Distance: 5.23 miles
Pace: 7:43

the recoup run after the long party weekend! Due to the BigGeezy (aka the Garmin) being dead due to travel and no charger. It was a day without a "fancy" watch, just me and the ole Timex, then to get the distance I hit up mapmyrun.

Tuesday: Mill Miles due to Weather

Time: 37:43
Distance: 4.90 miles
Pace: 7:41

A boring treadmill day thanks to wind and rain and just feeling like not wanting to fight the elements today.


Time: 27:45
Distance: 4.01 miles
Pace: 6:55 (goal was sub 7 per/mile)
Splits: 6:57, 6:49, 7:04, 6:49
the Route

Run wasn't bad, I wanted to just pace below 7/per mile-after-mile, yet had a little hic-up in mile 3 and was 4+ seconds slow, yet I made up for it on the last one. Heck I'll take it...........I am in my 30's these days!


Time: 22:31
Distance: 3.05 miles
Pace: 7:22
the Route

the SE3 run today, feeling a little tug in the knee meant for a slow easy run today, with no merit on distance, simply making sure I keep with the consistency of lacing up the shoes even when the body is saying "no". Goal was to pace around 7:30's and just relax for a change of pace and a little mend.

Friday: Day Off!

Chillaxin Time!


Time: 40:56
Distance: 5.32 miles
Pace: 7:41

the Post-YardWork run was supposed to be the "long run" of the week, but ended up being a shorter run so I could make it over to OMB TapRoom and enjoy a nice cold Copper with Magnum BARR and OML-Ole Man Leve. Will attempt the "longer run" tomorrow.

Sunday: Day Off!

*Not the week I wanted and for some reason feeling a tug in the left knee. The infamous Sarasota 'thon knee. Probably good I didn't attempt the long run this weekend and gave it some much needed rest. I plan to hit it hard this week mileage wise, not concentrating on pace, but simply in logging miles "LSD" style....."long-slow-distance" to test it out a bit.

Run For the Kids Charity Night @ the Gin Mill, January 8th 7pm -- Until?...........more details soon to come!

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