Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Training Plan....for Spectators....

Being a running enthusiast I get update emails on new articles from Running Magazines all the time via the inbox! Today was a pretty funny one, but when I thought about it, pretty spot on. When someone comes out to pull for a friend, family member, whoever at a distance race (ie: half-marathon, marathon, etc) being a spectators takes some planning and training as well.

I remember my first marathon here in Charlotte back in 2005 not only did I do many course preview runs (this was of the original Thunder Road course) but sat down with my now-wife and Dad to outline the best maneuvers for them to cheer me on and still utilize seeing me at every opportunity. This takes timing (guesstimate typically) and also trying to figure out how to navigate race traffic due to closed streets, etc. Luckily Charlotte is a loop-to-loop type course and gives folks many opportunities. This is unlike the BostonM which I will take on in April of next year. BostonM is a point-to-point marathon course.

Then comes the very important part of rooting on your fellow competitor without really getting them out of the zone. In comes the Runners World article I got today;

A Training Plan....for Spectators!

Pretty funny stuff but also some truth behind it, as when you go out and cheer for someone at a long distance race, typically it is a good bit of work for the spectator as well! Figured I would share it, enjoy!

*thanks to all those who have already donated at Razoo: BostonM Run for the Kids! yesterday was a good day with 3 first-time donors! Much appreciated!

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