Boston Marathon: April 18, 2011
Boston Marathon: April 18, 2011
Well as I figured my training approach has a truly different course with the latest news of a Marathon only 170+ days out, as recently it's been between 35-45 miles per week and now that will have to pretty much double within 3-4 weeks before crunch time with the 4 month pre-M approach!

The plan is to use November to build up the mileage. Lately my pacing has gone pretty well, nothing stellar, but able to keep a decent pace for the 3-6 mile range. I have always been a LSD runner of sorts, never one who set his goals to win anything at race time. I have always set out to enjoy the race, enjoy the scenery, enjoy the fanfare, and overall just enjoy being out on the roads logging miles. So November will be the "November Notable" (as in Notable Build-Up).
December, January, February; will be the "Three Amigos" which will consist of playing around the 3 Marathon Training Programs I have used in the past, yet this time instituting concepts from all 3 hopes they all get along like "Three Amigos" and give me the build-up and maintain I want to accomplish.

For now, it's time to build up the new BostonM: Run for the Kids! BLOG and get the fundraising site online so I can begin my approach to the $2,500 needed by 1/10/11 and furthermore the $5,000 goal I have set for myself personally by 4/18/11.
Please take some time to visit the new BLOG: BostonM: Run for the Kids
*here you will be able to follow all my training, fundraising, events, etc.
Please visit my fundraising page: the B.O.B.'s Fundraising Page
*here you can see a bit more in-depth as to what CYCLEKids, Inc. does and also follow my progression towards my charity fundraising and donor goals.
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